Monday, June 8, 2009

Getting back on track... literally!

Well, as you can see - it has been FAR too long since my last blog entry. I will also be honest in saying that while I did not regress in my running, I certainly did not "PRO-gress" either.

You see, a HUGE opportunity of developing a children's music and movement program for kids in Manhattan (all under the age of 4) sort of just fell into my lap. A paid position, that promised to use all of my creative musical instincts, as well as my ability to work with children... it was just an offer I couldn't refuse!

However, along with accepting this blessing, came HOARDS of work. Creating the courses, their descriptions and curriculum, then writing lesson plans, composing original songs, ordering the necessary supplies, and finally - executing the class. Luckily, I have a wonderful and understanding co-creator and boss who helped me through it all. Needless to say though, this amount of work sort of threw me off track with my regular running schedule!

I was all set to run the half marathon at the end of April. I was on track with training and totally pumped! Well, by the time I went to sign up for the race (about 4 weeks in advance) - they had closed it. Too many applicants they said. Damn New York! So many people!! I found this incredibly frustrating, and let it affect my training. A few weeks later though, registration opened for the Brooklyn Half-Marathon at the end of May! So, I signed up!

The story repeated itself though, in regards to my workload... I got busy. I couldn't do long runs due to time constraints. I let the work be my excuse. A good excuse - but nevertheless, an EXCUSE. By the beginning of May, it was hard to workout because I only felt guilty. I would run 3 miles - and beat myself up for not doing more. I would do 20 minutes of free weights, and think I was pathetic. I couldn't go on like that! I enjoy running!! I had to get back to that place.

So, I made the decision not to run the race. New York Road Runners once again got my money and I got nothing. :( However, I did gain back a sense of confidence in knowing that I was back in control of my life and my workouts. I completed a full body detox called "The Master Cleanse" and lost 8 pounds. 5 of them have stayed permanently off and I am feeling great! I'm back to running my 3 miles regularly now and all set to begin full, extended training for the marathon on Nov. 1st. Entry is now closed, so there is no doubt about the fact that, as they say on the t-shirts... "I'M IN!"

To kick off my training, I'm attending a running clinic this Saturday at the gym I work for. It's all about training the mind to work with the body... and allowing the body to function with the most minimal effort while running. I'm STOKED. :)

And then, in a mere 2 weeks - I move to PA! I can't believe how the time has flown. I'll be doing ALL of my training in Pennsylvania while working at the Ren Faire. Looks like the Gettysburg battlefields will be seeing a lot of me! :)

For those that are still reading this... thank you for hanging in there with me during my "blogger's leave." While I can't guarantee daily entries, look for an update every 2-3 days. This is a long journey and the only way I will succeed is to share my story. I refuse to do this alone!

I hope any and all who read this are happy with who you are. My only hope with this blog is to share my story so that perhaps, someone else might just believe they can accomplish a "Lifetime List" goal, too. It won't be easy, but I know that we can all do whatever we set our minds too.


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