Saturday, June 13, 2009

Am I really a "runner?"

So today, I was part of an exclusive running clinic held in at a high-end gym here in New York City.

Wait a minute. Hold the phone.

I would like Kelly Morris, the girl who grew up in Lynchburg, VA and thought that Roanoke, VA was the "big city" because it had a mall with two stories, to reread that first sentence. I don't think she'd EVER believe it.

First - she would still be in awe of the fact that she did anything on a "high-end" level in NYC. But more importantly, she'd do a double take that she was ever included in a RUNNING clinic. Never in her 23 years of pre-NYC life would she have believed that she would become a runner.

So, here I am. Kelly Morris, the girl who now lives in New York City, has been running for over a year, completely 12 different road races, and is currently signed up for the NYC Marathon on November 1st. I've met more celebrities than I can count, I've worked everywhere from high-end business offices, to infamous desert cafe's, to people's homes changing baby diapers. I have learned since moving to this city that if I commit myself to something and put in the time and effort - I can accomplish it.

In short, I am a COMPLETELY different person than I was just a few short years ago. And today confirmed it.

Back to the point... I was included in a running clinic held by Dr. Nicholas Romanov, the creator and premier teacher of the POSE Method of Running. It is the same method that is taught at La Palestra, the gym owned by a father that I work for, and I was given the chance to participate thanks to an invite from that same father. Trying to explain here what the POSE method is would be impossible for two reasons: 1 - there are several aspects to it and it takes quite a while to actually adapt to your own body, and 2 - I'm really just barely grasping the concept myself. The basic idea though, is that it is the first ever method of running that can work for EVERYONE - regardless of age, experience, body type, etc. It is also a way to run that has been proven to nearly eliminate injury for those that use it's methods. So you can see why I was interested!

Long story short, I did feel like I gained a great deal more knowledge about the POSE method and I'm excited to slowly begin to work on applying it to my marathon training. I wish I had time for more, but I'm grateful for any help I receive! And I think the thing that actually hit me the most today was the answer to my question:

Am I really a "runner?"

For the first time today, as I watched myself running on tape, and surrounded by other experienced runners... the answer is, yes.



1 comment:

Michael A. Hardy said...

Rock on Kelly. You're doing great!