Friday, June 12, 2009

The "Did She Run" update!

The question: Did Kelly run in the rain?

The answer: No.

The question: Did Kelly run?

The answer: Yes!

The smarty-pants methodology behind this series of questions?: It didn't end up raining! Ha!

So yes, I got my run in! I ran about 4.5 miles around the shire, then around the parking lot, then around the shire, then back around the parking lot... and kept that up for about 45 minutes. Not the most exciting run - but it felt GREAT! :)

Getting excited and nervous about executing my marathon training while in PA. I'm going to have to travel out a bit I think to Gettysburg and such just to get those 14+ mile runs in. I would shoot myself if I had to run the shire in that many circles!!!

BIG running clinic tomorrow with a world renown marathon runner, coach, and author. Will post more details after!

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