Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Fun" in the Sun

So I'm back in VA for a few days - visiting family, packing up some things for PA, and taking my car back to NYC... and I decided, of course, to go for a run! What could be better? My parents live in beautiful suburbia! Mountain views, quaint houses, people outside mowing their lawns... just wonderful.

Or not.

I did not factor in the 90 DEGREE HEAT that was in existence as I went running this afternoon! I had only planned for a 2 miler, due to time constraints - but after one mile, I was about to puke! My stomach was turning so much I started to regret everything I had eaten. Except for the fact, that I had eaten really well that day! I'd had at least 6 8-ounce glasses of water already, an solid breakfast, and a healthy protein based lunch about 2 hours prior. Nothing was sitting on my stomach, things had digested, and I had no dairy sitting in there waiting to curdle... I couldn't figure it out. That was, until I started getting light-headed. Yikes! I realized that if I'm getting light-headed after only a mile... something was up.

I should have known it was the temperature!

It took me an extra 3-4 minutes post my run (which was only 2 miles with a run/walk second mile) for my heartrate to get back to resting rate again. I was beat red and sweating more than I do on my long runs! It was nuts. I was able to cool down and god bless my parents for having a pool, because that brought me right back to normal. So here's what I learned today:

Lesson #1: I need to start training outdoors on a regular basis.
Lesson #2: I need to run EARLY in the morning, or right around dusk. The middle of the day is too hot!
Lesson #3: It is possible to feel like you will puke... and not do it.
Lesson #4: I need a pool. I'm sure my apartment could fit one. :-P

So in conclusion, I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow for the bulk of my workout, and doing a 1-mile run in the heat tomorrow morning. I'll ease myself into this summer weather. By the time I have to put on layers and layers of clothing for the Ren Faire - it shouldn't feel like much!

Here's to getting in better shape for the hot weather....

Your over-heated runner,

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