Friday, March 27, 2009

Slacking on the blogging - but not on the running!

Sorry for the absence of an update - and boy do I have one!

Last Sunday, March 22, I ran my first ever 15K - a total of 9.3 miles!!! YAHOO!!!

Ok, so "yahoo!" was my thought at the moment I crossed the finish line... but it was then followed with "Holy crap..." and a feeling of elation mixed with utter exhaustion. I definitely reached my first real breaking point. I was BEAT.

After googling what happens to people after true long-distance runs, suddenly I didn't feel so crazy. Apparently, it's normal to not be able to function much for at least a few hours following these races. I came home, showered, and laid down - only to stay there for a 2.5 hour nap!! My body apparently needed it. I'm just so glad I didn't schedule anything immediately following the race!

My cousin, a runner, tells me that I should expect to feel this way after every upcoming long-distance run (as they just keep getting longer). The upside? In a few weeks, 9.3 miles will feel like a warm-up. Or so I hope... :)

It's interesting to note that these runs, in their entirety - aren't fun. But nothing really beats accomplishing these runs... and somehow that translates to - when someone asks me how a run went, I say "It was great! A lot of FUN."

What?!?! Yes, the cramping of my quads was great. I especially liked the part where I had to massage my butt muscles to prevent them from cramping too. And then, when I took my energy gel at mile 6, I almost puked. It was SWEET! Gosh, I can't wait to do it again. It was so much fun!

Yet somehow... that's actually what I think. I remember all the crappy parts about the run... and I still can't wait to do it again. I guess I've met my match... and his name is Running.

Your crazy-in-the-head-and-happy-in-the-heart runner,

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Way to go on the run! It's really cool to read about your successes and how far you've come since starting this blog. I look forward to hearing more exciting news about your runs. And on a side note because I told you I'd keep you up to date on my stuff too...I've lost 20 pounds so far this year (I went back on WW in mid January) it looks like we're both accomplishing what we set out to do!! Keep up the amazing running!!