Friday, March 13, 2009

I broke the 10K mark!

I finally did it! I ran 8 miles yesterday - my longest distance yet to date!

I was quite intimidated by the idea of running anything more than my previous "long run" of 10K, or 6.2 miles. Luckily, I made a good iPod mix, carried water with me, promised myself to stick to a good solid pace... and I went for it. I was not as physically demanding as I'd expected - but far more MENTALLY demanding that I could have imagined! Every so often, my mind would just think "No, this is too much... stop after 6 miles..." or: "You can take a break after 4 miles. Just run the next 4 later today..." or "Holy crap - this is hard. It's freezing out here - what the hell are you doing??"

Needless to say, I was able to clear my mind, time and time again (often times thanks to a good song!) and finish the run. I'm very sore today - but yesterday felt AMAZING. I know now that I can accomplish my upcoming 15K (9.3 miles). Prior to yesterday's run - I was scared out of my mind.

Only other thing for me to be concerned about are my ankles. I tend to roll them a lot, especially my left one. Yesterday was no exception - I actually took a misstep on the gravel and twisted it hard. Had to stop running for a sec and walk it off. Ended up being able to continue (obviously) but the muscles just above that ankle bone are VERY sore today. Anyone ever dealt with this? Think I could run with like a pre-made ace bandage support or something? I'll just keep working on keeping my stride strong and steady, too. Hopefully, this won't keep happening.

And in other news - I have a race tomorrow! 8000 meters - or about 4.9 miles. Should be fun and fairly easy. Maybe it's not the smartest idea running when sore - but... no pain, no gain! (insert manly grunt here)

Until next posting...

Your longer-running, never-tiring runner,

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