Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Who can run a Half-Marathon? I CAN!!!

Today is a monumental day!

Not only is it 9/9/09... but it's the day that Kelly McMahon Morris ran her first ever Half-Marathon! (13.1 miles)

(Actually, it's the first day she's run 14 miles, but it sounds exciting to mention the Half-Marathon turning point.)

Yes, indeedy! I did it. 14 miles, for better or for worse. After last week's disastrous run, I was hesitant to head out for another long run this week. But I knew that if I didn't run this week, I certainly wouldn't want to run next week, and the cycle would just continue.

So, after my PowerBar breakfast, lots of hydration and stretching, I headed out. The weather was perfect today! High of 70, overcast, with rain predicted for later in the day. Nice and cool, not too sunny... it was heaven. :) I started my run, as I usually do, right at mile marker 10 on the trail. Ironically, by the time I'd run about half a mile, I realized that I desperately had to go to the bathroom!! I couldn't help but laugh. My plan had been to run from mile marker 10 to mile marker 3, then back again. However, the ONLY bathroom is just before mile marker 10! So, I ran my first mile, turned around, and ran right back to that blessed Porta-Potty. I suppose it was about time for me to have to interrupt a run for a bathroom break! :)

Since I had to change up my mapped out run, I continued running (after my pit stop) back to mile marker 11 - which turned out to be quite pretty! It runs right behind a quaint little neighborhood, so that was nice. I looped back from mile 11, then headed down to mile 5, then back to 10. (Crazy, but it all totaled out to 14 miles!) I did have to walk a few times, but instead of viewing it as a failure, I thought of it as a smart athletic move. For I only walked when my knees felt stiff or a cramp had become to sharp - and I would stop to stretch, breathe deep, walk a few strides. Then, I would refocus my mind, and start running again.

The big success of this run for me, was the use of positive self-talk. It's something I learned from the book I've been reading: "The Non-Runner's Marathon Training Guide." It's the idea that you create several sentences and/or ideas that you can say to yourself over and over again as you run. Some people sing songs to themselves, some remind themselves of how good they have it... but no matter what you do, it has to be said in the first person. This was a revelation for me, as I typically coach myself through a run by saying things like "You can do it!" or "You got this, Kel. Finish it!" or "Don't you stop now!" So, to translate this... you have to say it in the first person. "I can do it!" or "I've got this!" and instead of the negative "don't stop" it's the idea of "I can finish!" So today, my sentences went as such: "I am a marathoner. I love to run. I am strong and I can do this!" Over and over and over again I said this to myself. I started saying it in rhythm with my feet. Every time I would stray away in my thoughts, I would quickly bring myself back to these words. As my pace slowed and the run was more difficult, I made them more concise: "I am a marathoner. I can run!" "I can RUN!" and honestly - it kept me focused and got me through! I didn't even use an iPod today. It was AWESOME.

Also, when I had to take a quick rest and walk for about 45 seconds around mile 11, I decided to throw myself self-talk in to overdrive and really give it 110% focus. As I started to run for the last 3 miles, I just said "I am a MARATHONER!" over and over again, really believing it - and feeling proud of it! Wouldn't you know it, that my stride got longer and quicker and I finished the last three miles stronger than I had been running for most of the run!! My heart rate was going at about 10 clicks higher than I usually try to keep it - but I was in a ZONE. It was incredible!

So... things I've learned:
- One bad long run doesn't mean the next one is doomed.
- I do not need an iPod if I focus on my positive self-talk.
- If I have to walk for a few seconds, it is completely fine and NOT a failure.
- I don't need to drink as much water as I did last week (during my run) - for I stayed hydrated and DIDN'T puke or cramp!
- And most importantly... I CAN RUN A HALF-MARATHON!!!!

What a glorious day it has been! :)


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