Monday, September 28, 2009

17 miles... check!

I had the best long distance run today! Not only did I set a new personal distance record of 17 miles, but I ran at an overall quicker pace, I did not have to stop to walk, and I finished feeling as though I could have run longer!! How great is that?!?

Interestingly enough, I actually finished this week's 17-mile run in the same amount of time as it took me to run last week's 16-mile run. I didn't necessarily run any faster, but I didn't have to stop for the bathroom, or to stretch, and I never hit any kind of "wall" - as I did last week. I finished my 17 miles in 2:57:15. Under 3 hours!!! :)

So, for both my own record, and for those who are interested, I want to break down the aspects of the run (both before and during) so it can be seen as to what might have been helpful.

- I went to sleep at a decent hour the night before, and slept nearly 9 hours before waking.

- I had a PowerBar approximately 2 hours before beginning my run. (Typical, but usually it is only 1 hour for me.)

- I ran not only with Starburst this time, but actually had 2 PowerBar Gel packs with me, and I ended up using both of them. Since I had not any other food besides the PowerBar that morning (and I went running at 12) - I found myself feeling hungry very early on in the race! So, I took a gel pack just after mile 3. Though my energy stayed high and strong... I do not attribute that to the gel pack, as my energy typically does not dip until around mile 9. I then took another gel pack around mile 11-12. I do think this choice was crucial for me, as I experienced no major struggles during this section of my run, as I did last week.

- It actually started to rain around mile 6, and rained for the remainder of my run! I found this very funny at first, then was actually quite grateful for it, as I realized I had yet to run in the rain until today! (I mean, what if it's rainy and gross on marathon day?? It's possible!) I ended up enjoying the rain quite a bit, as it kept me cool. However, by the time I had hit mile 17, I was quite grateful, as it had become a bit irritating running in a soaking wet shirt, bra, shorts, socks, etc...

- I started off the run using my mantra "I am a marathoner. I love to run. I am strong and I can do this!" but found that my mind quickly went to songs. At first, I found myself singing the German Oktoberfest songs I heard all weekend - but setting them to the rhythm of my feet! :) Then, about 5 miles in, I found myself thinking of "Dona Nobis Pacem." We are currently singing that song for Finale, so it's been on my mind. I found I could perfectly sing it to myself to the rhythm of my feet, and still stay focused on my running. Before I knew it, the miles were just passing by! It was the most spiritual, beautiful experience I have had while running. I ran the 12 remaining miles just thinking "Grant us peace.... grant us peace.... grant us peace...."

- Due to my peace mantra, when I finished the run, I found myself thanking God for just about everything: the successful run, the rain, my strong body, my feet, my shoes, the trees, the sky, my life, my boyfriend, my parents, my family... the list just went on and on. I teared up as I uttered these words of gratitude aloud. No matter what your spiritual background is, I'm realizing that pushing your body to and PAST it's previous limits just puts you in a more wonderful and surreal place than you could have ever imagined. It's incredible - and I encourage and support anyone else who would try this venture.

So all around, the run was a HUGE success. I now know, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that I will finish this marathon! I look forward to the soreness, to the stomach that turns in knots, to the sweat, to the tears.... to all of it! What an exciting adventure this has become!


PS - Next week? 18 miles!

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