Thursday, September 3, 2009

11 miles... 12 miles.... and it just keeps going!

It's hard to believe I'm now logging double digit runs every week. It seems like only yesterday I was worried about running 6 miles.

So, to update on the last week: When it came time for me to run my 11-mile run, I actually found enough adrenaline at the end to crank out an extra half-mile! So I ran 11.5 miles in just under 2 hours. It was AWESOME. The new development though, was that as soon as I stopped running and started walking, my legs just ACHED! I mean, serious discomfort from overworking my muscles. I went home and took some ibuprofen, drank my chocolate milk, and kept hydrating... but I stayed sore for the next 4-5 days. It was crazy! I'm realizing now that I should consider taking those ice-baths... but I honestly have nowhere to submerge legs in water right now. I might have to get creative.... (put some ice in the horse trough, anyone? eh? eh?)

I kept trudging though, however... stretching every day and was feeling really great as the weekend arrived. I was fighting a sore throat in the mornings, but was able to alleviate it with Airborne, lots of tea, and rest. I spent Monday with my folks, as they were in town for the Faire, and then headed out for my 12-mile run on Tuesday. (Mind you, at this point, I was fighting my sore throat ALL day, not just in the mornings.)

So, after having my PowerBar, and stocked up with two bottles of water and some Starburst for extra energy if needed during the run, I began my run. Honestly - the first 9 miles were great! I kept a good solid pace, which actually seemed a bit quicker for me without any extra effort. Around mile 9 however, I noticed that my knees were feeling a little stiff. To try and loosen them up a bit, I decided to run a few strides where I would be "kicking my butt" so-to-speak. I wanted to flick my legs higher up in the back to help stretch out my knees a bit. I've done this before without any issue... but as soon as I did it on this particular run, I involuntarily yelped "Ow! OW!" It felt like I just overstretched a muscle that I wasn't supposed to stretch. So I slowed my pace a little, until I finally decided to stop and stretch. As soon as I went to do a quad stretch, hoping it would loosen my knees a bit... my hamstrings cramped up! I then stretched those muscles and just took a few minutes to stretch my legs and feet overall. I mean, I see runners doing this all the time during races - so I figured this was totally fine. I walked for another minute, then picked up my jogging pace again.

About 3/4 of a mile later, my arch in my left foot started cramping up. I tried to focus on just relaxing my foot a bit in my stride... but no dice. Within a few strides, I once again, involuntarily, yelped "Ouch!!" I had to stop. I worked out my foot a bit, walked a bit more... but at this point, I had started to cry. I was so frustrated. The entire run I was coughing, spitting out phlegm (which was far more than usual due to my cold) and now I was having to stop due to random body pains. Of course, the crying only made things worse, since it caused my throat to close up... preventing me from taking a deep breath. (NOT a good thing when your heart rate is elevated!) To prevent further damage, I began to walk slowly, forcing myself to calm down. When I reached a calm enough place, I started to jog again. I fought through the discomfort and the frustration - and I finished that freakin' run!! What's worse... I'm not sure if I pushed too hard, or I drank too much water, or I ate the PowerBar too soon before the run... but as I'm walking to my car, I found myself feeling incredibly nauseous. Sure enough, by the time I reached my car... I puked. I've read stories about runners puking after long runs... I was just sort of hoping it wouldn't be me. I suppose it's badge of honor though. I just want to make sure I don't have to do it again!

After the run, I was so cold and uncomfortable that I had to wrap myself in blankets and just sleep for a solid hour when I got back. My temperature was still a little elevated 2 hours after the run, so clearly I didn't hydrate enough. (I think!) The cold that was only in my nose, has shifted into my chest... but I'm still fighting it! Hopefully, it will be gone by the weekend.

What I've learned? That running isn't always easy. It isn't always "fun." But it is, in the end, rewarding, and I will feel like an entirely new, empowered person when I finish this marathon. I'm a little scared, a lot excited... and I can't wait.


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