Friday, February 27, 2009

Need sleep...

I used to be the girl who could catch 3-4 hours of sleep a night in college and be just fine. It is sufficient to say... those days have passed!

Due to a late night babysitting job, followed by an early morning babysitting job - I only managed to snag slightly over 4 hours of sleep last night. Mind you, I've been sleeping 7-9 hours every night for the past several weeks. I figured one night wouldn't be so bad. Boy was I wrong!

The morning was fine. I dragged a little bit getting in the shower, but by the time I was on the subway at 6:30, I was bright and chipper. It was the afternoon crash that hit, and hit HARD.

Problem is? That's when I was supposed to get my 5-mile run in today! :( Knowing I'd reached a wall that I don't yet have a technique to break through, I took a nap and promised myself that I'll be running after cabaret class tomorrow. And I will - I know. But it's still a bit off schedule for me and that's frustrating.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to reenergize for a workout when your body just doesn't seem to have it? I feel like this will be a valid thing for me to learn, as it's a guarantee that during that marathon, there will come a time when my body will want to give out. Or heck - it WILL give out. So I need to start working some of those mind tricks now to get me through it. Tips? Suggestions? Advice?

Your very tired runner,

1 comment:

Ben said...

Just go ahead and commit to 10 minutes of a run. If you're still tired, at least you've done something and you can stop. But more than likely, your blood'll be pumping, endorphins flowing, and you'll have enough energy to finish the workout!