Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oops! I miscounted... and some Lenten thoughts.

Just a correction for my own sanity's sake... and the sake of anyone else who is as anal as I am about dates, I was off by 10 days in my marathon countdown. So - here it is!

Countdown to Half-Marathon: 60 days
Countdown to Marathon: 249 DAYS!

I also went through my calendar last night and wrote out exactly what workouts I should be doing and what distances I should be running from here until April 26th, the date of my half marathon. It's intimidating a bit - but I feel a little more confident being able to see the whole plan laid out on paper.

And for those Christians out there who celebrate/recognize this: today marks the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. (Or as my friends jokingly call it: Catholic Mating Day. We can all spot one another by that mark on our foreheads!) I was raised on the belief that during Lent (40 days) you give up something you enjoy/love/"need" to help you remember what the Lord gave up for us. I have found that as I grow older, it is more beneficial to only give up something if there is a benefit involved for others. For instance... I can give up chocolate - but that really does no one else any good and only makes me miserable. So this year, I have decided to give up... (drum roll, please) ... TV. It makes me sound like a teenager again, doesn't it? Seriously though, when you don't own much and doing anything in the city requires either a subway ride or money - I tend to tune into the TV far more here in NY than I do anywhere else. So, by giving up my beloved boob tube, I"ll be encouraged to get workouts in sooner, call people that I don't stay in touch with that often, perhaps even write an actual letter, and do things that stimulate my brain! Who knew!?!

So, today is Day 1 of no TV and hopefully, a Better Kelly. The marathon is one large goal for me - but I'm beginning to realize, it might also just be the impetus I needed to improve ALL aspects of my life.

Your slightly-befuddled-mathematician-who-no-longer-watches-TV-but-runs,

1 comment:

Kay said...


I'm excited to see this blog and that you're doing well :-) Good luck with training for the marathon- that's highly exciting/ ambitious. I look forward to watching your progress. Also- good luck with giving up TV. Now that I'm done with school and living on my own I've also given up TV (largely because I don't want to pay the extra money for cable.) It's hard to do! But I feel so much better now that I spend my time doing other things (such as my own workout).

Best of luck on it all!