Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting back on track

Well, there is nothing like paying a chunk of money and registering yourself for a marathon to get you motivated again! Slowly but surely, I'm getting myself back on the track (pardon the pun) towards long distance running.

For anyone out there who is reading this, thinking "I could never do that" - let me tell you the recent truth about your "devoted" runner: Until last Tuesday, I had not run in over 3 weeks. Yup, your "hard core" marathon runner fell WAY off track. I got busy... I got sick... I was out of town.... blah, blah, blah. It happens to all of us - even those who start a blog thinking that it will prevent them from derailing.


But what makes someone a success is not the fact that they never make a mistake - it's that they learn from their mistakes, pick themselves back up, and keep moving forward. Well, that's what I'm doing, literally. I'm moving forward. Because running backwards just isn't my thing. :)

So keep an eye on my "LogMyRun" chart on this page. If you don't see any entries on it one week... feel free to comment and ask me if everything is ok. I have a blog to stay in touch - and I have a blog to keep myself accountable to anyone that chooses to read it. Comments are encouraged! :)

I'm glad to be heading back in the right direction. I think the trick is just to remember to think one day at a time - knowing that there is a BIG goal in the future. I so often get discouraged when I think of those 26.2 miles, simply because the most I can run right now is 7. However, if I can just remember that 7 miles is 7 miles more than I was running this time last year... I think I'll feel a little bit better. :)

For now, it's off to the gym. Step by step and day by day... I will accomplish this goal. I will look forward to writing all about it along the way!

Your reenergized runner,

Countdown to half-marathon: 62 days
Countdown to marathon: 261 days

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