Friday, February 20, 2009

It's official!! I'M REGISTERED! I'M IN!!!

I can hardly breath right now. I've done it. I have now 100% guaranteed my spot in the 2009 ING NYC Marathon. Pardon me for not having a more refined vocabulary, but.... HOLY CRAP.

I'm so excited! I'm so scared! I think I'm crazy.... Either way... I'm running it. It's done. It's paid for. It's game time!

For those who have been following my blog so far, you know that I completed all of my required races last year to guarantee this moment for myself. I tell you though, it has never felt more real than in this very moment. (insert excited, girlish scream here)

So now, it's back to regular blogging, regular running, and lots of prayers. I know I can do this. I'm not sure how yet... but I know I can. For those of you reading this? I'm going to need your help. Encouragement, prayers, and donations of bandaids for my feet will all be accepted. :-P

I really can't believe this is happening! Eek!


Your overly excited and anxious official marathon runner,

1 comment:

Michael A. Hardy said...

Congratulations Kelly!! That's awesome, I'm so excited for you. Its going to be tough, but confidence is always a good thing and you sound like you have a lot of it. Just keep running and you will do well. Rock on!