Friday, February 27, 2009

Need sleep...

I used to be the girl who could catch 3-4 hours of sleep a night in college and be just fine. It is sufficient to say... those days have passed!

Due to a late night babysitting job, followed by an early morning babysitting job - I only managed to snag slightly over 4 hours of sleep last night. Mind you, I've been sleeping 7-9 hours every night for the past several weeks. I figured one night wouldn't be so bad. Boy was I wrong!

The morning was fine. I dragged a little bit getting in the shower, but by the time I was on the subway at 6:30, I was bright and chipper. It was the afternoon crash that hit, and hit HARD.

Problem is? That's when I was supposed to get my 5-mile run in today! :( Knowing I'd reached a wall that I don't yet have a technique to break through, I took a nap and promised myself that I'll be running after cabaret class tomorrow. And I will - I know. But it's still a bit off schedule for me and that's frustrating.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to reenergize for a workout when your body just doesn't seem to have it? I feel like this will be a valid thing for me to learn, as it's a guarantee that during that marathon, there will come a time when my body will want to give out. Or heck - it WILL give out. So I need to start working some of those mind tricks now to get me through it. Tips? Suggestions? Advice?

Your very tired runner,

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A small victory

Have you ever had those days where you knew all day you were going to go to the gym - but then suddenly it's almost dinner time, or it's time to go to work, or go to a meeting... and you don't? Well, that was today for me. Hang on though... much like Grover finds "A Monster at the End of this Book" - I found a "victory at the end of this story." :)

I am currently having some trouble making money, as babysitting has been a bit slow this month. The only upside to this is that I have ended up having a lot of days free - allowing for good amounts of sleep, good lengthy workouts, and lots of time to be creative in my artistic endeavors. Today was set to be a productive day, beginning at 8 am, when I had set my alarm. I woke up, wrote down my to-do list, looked back at my bed... thinking about how I had no pressing schedule until babysitting this evening... and crawled back in. Oops! Obstacle #1.

I woke back up on my own - AT 11:15!!!! ACK! What happened to my morning?? Well, I decided not to fret and just appreciate the amount of rest I'd had. I immediately got dressed in my "going to the gym" outfit- and headed straight for my laptop to get a bit of work done before heading out. Needless to say, I got on a roll with registering for online nanny services, looking for work on Craigslist, creating a budget spreadsheet, cleaning out my inbox.... yadda... yadda...... yadda.

Next thing I know - it's 3:30 pm and I haven't showered. Well - considering I had to be in Brooklyn by 6:30 pm and it's an hour train ride just to get there, I figured that the gym was out. Then... something inside of me just snapped. (in a good way... not the Britney Spears way.) I realized that too many days had I let the thought of "well, I guess I missed my window" deter me from gym time. Even though I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have enough time to get my scheduled 3 mile run in, I felt like any gym time was better than NO gym time!

So I hopped in the shower, got completely ready for babysitting - threw a quick gym bag together - and headed out the door. I went to the Bally's gym that's on the way to Brooklyn, changed like lightening in the locker room... and I managed to get in a hard core 2 mile run! If there was ever a moment, no matter how small, where I felt like holding up some "V for Victory" arms - it was that moment.

In the end, I quickly changed back, spritzed on some fruity Bath and Body Works scent, brushed the sweat out of my hair (which would then dry on the subway and not look too gross), and got on the train. I even made it babysitting a few minutes early.

One small victory for gym go-ers, one giant leap for a girl who often deters herself!

Here's to many more victories :)

Your slowly getting better at this runner,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oops! I miscounted... and some Lenten thoughts.

Just a correction for my own sanity's sake... and the sake of anyone else who is as anal as I am about dates, I was off by 10 days in my marathon countdown. So - here it is!

Countdown to Half-Marathon: 60 days
Countdown to Marathon: 249 DAYS!

I also went through my calendar last night and wrote out exactly what workouts I should be doing and what distances I should be running from here until April 26th, the date of my half marathon. It's intimidating a bit - but I feel a little more confident being able to see the whole plan laid out on paper.

And for those Christians out there who celebrate/recognize this: today marks the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. (Or as my friends jokingly call it: Catholic Mating Day. We can all spot one another by that mark on our foreheads!) I was raised on the belief that during Lent (40 days) you give up something you enjoy/love/"need" to help you remember what the Lord gave up for us. I have found that as I grow older, it is more beneficial to only give up something if there is a benefit involved for others. For instance... I can give up chocolate - but that really does no one else any good and only makes me miserable. So this year, I have decided to give up... (drum roll, please) ... TV. It makes me sound like a teenager again, doesn't it? Seriously though, when you don't own much and doing anything in the city requires either a subway ride or money - I tend to tune into the TV far more here in NY than I do anywhere else. So, by giving up my beloved boob tube, I"ll be encouraged to get workouts in sooner, call people that I don't stay in touch with that often, perhaps even write an actual letter, and do things that stimulate my brain! Who knew!?!

So, today is Day 1 of no TV and hopefully, a Better Kelly. The marathon is one large goal for me - but I'm beginning to realize, it might also just be the impetus I needed to improve ALL aspects of my life.

Your slightly-befuddled-mathematician-who-no-longer-watches-TV-but-runs,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Music suggestions

I've been listening to the same workout mix for the past 2.5 months... and it's getting old. I need some upbeat tunes that can motivate, inspire, or just make me want to move! I'm up for anything, except techno/trance. That stuff just starts to irritate me after a while when I'm running.

So... any suggestions? Leave me a comment and tell me what music you use - or what music you think would be fun to run to! I can use all the help I can get! Thanks!

Your needy, musical runner,

Changing up the workout

Yesterday, I decided to change up my training plan a bit. I'm realizing that running everyday is not only boring, but rather taxing on my body. So instead, I"ve decided to follow the plan of running; cross training; running; weight training; running; cross training; OFF. Sounds good right? :)

Well - it is good... except I didn't realize how HARD the weight training part would be! You see, I've done several different weight training programs throughout the past several years... but none that focused on long, lean muscles. I would do the typical bicep curls, or the basic bench press, etc. Yesterday, I decided to try one of those workouts that are published in "Shape" magazine. It involved a "Bosu Ball" (one of those half dome shaped balance things... google it, you'll see) and a weighted bar.

Mind you, I could go into detail and tell you the exact workout I did... but that would most likely bore you all. I will simply tell you that I was sweating more than I EVER have while doing a non-cardio workout!! I couldn't believe the amount of muscle control this workout required. Holy moly! So for anyone, who like me, just reads those workouts and doesn't try them... go for it! It's TOTALLY worth it! Bikini body - here I come! Or, at least... not-really-bikini-body-but-bathing-suit-body-that-I-don't-hate - here I come! :)

For today, it's back to the gym for a run. We up to 4 miles for today. I can do the 6.2 (10K) - but I'm still getting back on track, so there's no need to push it. I'm right on track for Week 2 of my 10-week training schedule for the half-marathon. I'll be sure to keep you all updated!

Your Bosu loving runner,

Countdown to Half-Marathon: 61 days
Countdown to Marathon: 260 days

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting back on track

Well, there is nothing like paying a chunk of money and registering yourself for a marathon to get you motivated again! Slowly but surely, I'm getting myself back on the track (pardon the pun) towards long distance running.

For anyone out there who is reading this, thinking "I could never do that" - let me tell you the recent truth about your "devoted" runner: Until last Tuesday, I had not run in over 3 weeks. Yup, your "hard core" marathon runner fell WAY off track. I got busy... I got sick... I was out of town.... blah, blah, blah. It happens to all of us - even those who start a blog thinking that it will prevent them from derailing.


But what makes someone a success is not the fact that they never make a mistake - it's that they learn from their mistakes, pick themselves back up, and keep moving forward. Well, that's what I'm doing, literally. I'm moving forward. Because running backwards just isn't my thing. :)

So keep an eye on my "LogMyRun" chart on this page. If you don't see any entries on it one week... feel free to comment and ask me if everything is ok. I have a blog to stay in touch - and I have a blog to keep myself accountable to anyone that chooses to read it. Comments are encouraged! :)

I'm glad to be heading back in the right direction. I think the trick is just to remember to think one day at a time - knowing that there is a BIG goal in the future. I so often get discouraged when I think of those 26.2 miles, simply because the most I can run right now is 7. However, if I can just remember that 7 miles is 7 miles more than I was running this time last year... I think I'll feel a little bit better. :)

For now, it's off to the gym. Step by step and day by day... I will accomplish this goal. I will look forward to writing all about it along the way!

Your reenergized runner,

Countdown to half-marathon: 62 days
Countdown to marathon: 261 days

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's official!! I'M REGISTERED! I'M IN!!!

I can hardly breath right now. I've done it. I have now 100% guaranteed my spot in the 2009 ING NYC Marathon. Pardon me for not having a more refined vocabulary, but.... HOLY CRAP.

I'm so excited! I'm so scared! I think I'm crazy.... Either way... I'm running it. It's done. It's paid for. It's game time!

For those who have been following my blog so far, you know that I completed all of my required races last year to guarantee this moment for myself. I tell you though, it has never felt more real than in this very moment. (insert excited, girlish scream here)

So now, it's back to regular blogging, regular running, and lots of prayers. I know I can do this. I'm not sure how yet... but I know I can. For those of you reading this? I'm going to need your help. Encouragement, prayers, and donations of bandaids for my feet will all be accepted. :-P

I really can't believe this is happening! Eek!


Your overly excited and anxious official marathon runner,