Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who rocks the house?....


...and when Kelly rocks the house, she rocks it all the way down!!! :)

(Thank you to the 4-year old who taught me this cheer!!)

That cheer is what I felt like saying today as I crossed that finish line in Central Park! I'm still on my endorphin high as I'm typing this... and man, does it feel GREAT! I ran the NYRR 4-mile race in the park today and finished in just under 40 minutes! (I'll find out my official time in the next few days.) That was race #8 in my attempt to complete 9 races to qualify for next year's marathon!!!

I'll be honest, I was dreading this race a little bit - as I've developed a nasty cold over the past couple of days... but I ran with tissues in hand, blowing my nose every mile - and I made it! Haha - I must have looked like a mess to the other runners, sniffling and blowing my nose as I went... but by the time the race completed - I actually felt better! Thanks to lots of tea, water, rest, medication, exercise, and excessive usage of tissues... I think I might actually be beating this cold into submission. HA! :)

Anyway - just thought I'd blog for a minute while I'm still feeling INCREDIBLE about the race this morning. If anyone lives here in the city or will be moving to the city and needs a running buddy - just say the word. I want to share this feeling with EVERYONE!

Until the next run....

Your endorphin-filled, high-spirited, sniffling runner,


Michael A. Hardy said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. One more and you're in, two more and then it's to the big one. Cheering you on the whole way.

Sara said...

GO KELLY! I'm so excited for you!

Alicia said...

Yay! Great job! I'm glad the cold didn't get you down. Now it's time to rest and get better.


Katherine Klegin said...

Hey Kelly!! I found your blog on facebook and you better believe I'm gonna be stalking you now. :) I'm also trying to get into a little better shape and am running my first ever 5k this weekend. Anyway, here's my blog, so feel free to stalk away!!