Sunday, November 9, 2008

Puppets, cowboys, and elmo... OH MY!

That is my headline for what happened during my day in the city today with my boyfriend!

On our escapades through the city today, we managed to score AMAZING tickets to "Avenue Q", see the Naked Cowboy, and walk by a life-size Elmo... only to realize that it was just someone randomly wearing the outfit... not someone trying to sell anything or make money. So weird... and so New York. :)

In other words, it was a wonderful day on several different counts. However, for the sake of this blog and its purpose, I will tell you all that we did at least manage to walk EVERYWHERE! :) From 8th Avenue over to 3rd Avenue, and all up and down from 42nd Street to 59th Street and several places in between. (For those of you that don't live in New York - this means that we walked at LEAST 2 miles today.) So, while it wasn't exactly a workout - it was definitely staying active!

It's been a wonderful weekend - and I will be very sad to say goodbye to him tomorrow when he has to leave again. But his visit has reminded me what a beautiful city this is again! :)

And besides, the extra motivation to look smokin' hot for him when I get to visit HIM... is always a nice little push to get me running a little harder and little longer! :)

Your in-love-with-a-man-who-loves-her-even-when-she-doesn't-run runner,

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