Saturday, November 15, 2008

A tough week

Well, as you can tell from my missing posts over the past few days... and the lack of entry on my "Log Your Run" chart... it's been a rough week.

Wednesday, the only reason I didn't get in a good run is because I was trying to be seen at auditions all day... and I ran out of time before I had to go babysit. Granted, I also had planned to rest on Wednesday, so that was ok.

Thursday, my only chance to get in a workout was EARLY in the morning (we're talking 5:30 am here) - and I just didn't get myself out of bed on time. Damn. I then babysat from 8 am until about 11pm.

Yesterday, Friday, I had EVERY intention of working out in the afternoon. I packed my gym bag and took it with me to my audition. But as I was sitting and waiting to audition... my throat started to hurt. I thought this was due to lack of hydration - so I came home quickly after the audition to drink a bunch of water, grab a bite to eat, and take an Airborne (just in case). But within an hour after the audition... my throat was on fire and I was achy. So i opted for a nap instead.... and still felt crappy. There went that opportunity for a workout, too.

So here I sit, on Saturday morning - still feeling like crap. And I have one of the biggest auditions I ever had today at 12:30 pm. I'm auditioning for Telsey & Co - one of the larger casting agencies here in New York. I actually have an appointment and everything, so I'm guaranteed to be seen. Very exciting!!! I just can't believe that I had to get sick for the first real time in almost 5 months, NOW. :(

But I was taught by my acting teacher, Lara Teeter, to wake up each day and ask yourself a question: "Today, am I going to be a VICTOR or a VICTIM?" And I have decided that today - this weekend in whole - I'm going to be a VICTOR! So, I'm going to that audition and I'm going to make it great. My voice may not be spot on, but my acting will be!!! And I WILL go to the gym after my audition for a nice easy workout. Because tomorrow - IT'S RACE TIME, BABY!!! And I'm going to run that race, and run this cold right out of my system. :)

Granted, I don't exactly feel victorious at the moment... I'd say I feel more sick than strong... but that's only temporary. The feeling of acing an audition and finishing a race lasts MUCH longer than the feeling of a sore throat!

So BRING IT ON WORLD. I'm going to be a VICTOR!!!


Michael A. Hardy said...

Huzzah! Do your thing and do it well, otherwise, its just not worth doing. You'll ace your audition and do really well in the race, and it's obvious that nothing will stop you. Best of luck today!

Alicia said...

I hope you have a good race tomorrow and I hope this weather lets up. Pretty soon we're going to have to build and ark :)
