Saturday, November 8, 2008

Excuses, excuses...

So I made an excuse today not to workout. :(

I realize this is not a good trend... but in my defense - I did have the BEST excuse today... My boyfriend came to visit! :)

Mind you, I had a plan to get in an early morning workout before I saw him... but when I woke up this morning and my gym bag wasn't packed and my room (that he was about to see for the first time) was messy... I just couldn't find the motivation. But, as promised, I shall blog faithfully, in hopes that I can keep myself accountable - and receive encouragement from anyone who may read these entries.

So - any suggestions on ways to get in exercise when you have a visitor? I'm certainly not going to leave my boyfriend's side for 2 hours just to workout - when i only get to see him every 2-3 weeks. Ideas are welcome!

I'm not sure that I'll get in a workout tomorrow either... but maybe I can aim for a Pilates video in the morning, before my guy gets out of bed. Here's hoping my "maybe's" turn to "definites!"

As always, your faithful soon-to-be-not-so-occasional-runner,


Anonymous said...

Maybe you guys can work out together, like go for a walk or something? I don't know what his physical fitness condition is, but you could spend time together. Just a thought. Keep up the good work!!

*Liz H (Lizaliciousss on

Michael A. Hardy said...

Personally, I think that a day missed is alright. It is important to rest yourself occasionally or you will wear yourself out, even one so energetic as you. Besides, if the boyfriend is only there once every 2-3 weeks, lavish in that time while you can. And if you do something fun and active, then its just a light workout day. Just my opinion dear. Have a great day and say hi to Arthur for us!