Friday, November 7, 2008

A day of running... around the city, that is

So I realized today the downside of living in Queens. (Well, one of them.) I'm not near a gym where I can comfortably workout. I have my Bally's membership, but the closest one to me is on the East Side in the city - and this isn't exactly the place I enjoy going for a 5 am workout when it means I have to ride the subway alone at 4:30 am.

However, on days like today when I go nonstop from 8 until about 10 or 11 pm (due to babysitting jobs) - I find myself without exercise time. Mind you, I LOVE babysitting and keeping busy... but I definitely need to include my workouts in my busy schedule, now that there are definite goals at hand.

So today, to at least keep semi-active, I took the little girl I was babysitting in the morning to the FAR playground in her neighborhood :). This at least allowed for a good two mile walk. Not to mention the running anyone in the city gets simply from going from point A to point B to point C and back again.

If anyone out there has other suggestions I can use, aside from running outdoors and at the gym, to keep in shape - please offer them! I'm in need of some excuse-breakers! :)

Tomorrow, there is a very handsome man coming to visit me for the weekend! So just to be sure I don't use it as an excuse, I'll be working out in the early morning, so I'm revved up with endorphins by the time he arrives!!

Speaking of the benefits of runnig... I am so excited to see how my body continues to change. Running has already allowed me to lose 10 pounds since February! Since I've always been a larger girl (200 pounds in college) - I can only imagine what it will be like to fit into a single digit size someday. To me - a size 8 might as well be a size zero. Here's to being fit and healthy! :)


Anonymous said...

hi kelly :)

one of my favorite exercise secrets involves going to the bathroom... haha
no matter where you are i never ever used the bathroom on the same floor.. the more floors i could walk up or down or jog up and down the better!! also when i got there i would do do squats or something to add even more of a leg workout! this helped when i was too busy to hit the gym!!
Gillian Ramsey

Alicia said...

Congrats on your marathon goal. I look forward to reading about your progress and if I hear of any good exercise tips I'll be sure to pass them along!
