Friday, August 21, 2009

Ah, humidity... How I did not miss thee!

So far so good on the running... made my 4 mile run this week, and went out for my 5 mile run, but only manage 3.5 miles due to time constraints. I intend to get another 4 miler in this weekend! (gulp!)

Interestingly though - I ended up sweating more on my 4 mile run than I did on my 10 mile run! The humidity out here right now is unreal. I am literally dripping wet with sweat after these short runs! I suppose it's just something I need to get used to. It will certainly be interesting if it ends up being a humid day on marathon day!! (another gulp!)

Just a quick update for now... Faire weekend looms on the horizon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how are your achilles though?