Friday, July 31, 2009

How quickly the time passes!

Even though my writing has been sparse, my running has been plentiful! Not perfect, but plentiful.

I'm on Official Week 3 now - which culminates with a long run of 7 miles on Sunday. I'm a day late in doing one of my 3-milers this week... but we just performed our Summer Youth Day here at the Faire on Thursday, and there was just no way my body was willing to get up early and go running this morning.

On a more frustrating note, my voice is hurting again. I quickly discovered that my vocal troubles occur from my street work... so I'm back to resting and caring for it again. I'm not worried though - I know how to handle it all this time. It's just frustrating. Maybe running can help me relieve that frustration.

A lighter note - my birthday was AMAZING!!! And my loving parents gave me a monetary gift solely for the purpose of.... drumroll please... new RUNNING SHOES! Hooray! I need to get them soon so I can break them in. I'm super excited!

Not too much else to report as of yet. Just running, and running, and working, and running. Promise I'll try to update more soon!


PS - It's below the 100-day mark for a countdown!!! CRAZY!

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