Wednesday, January 7, 2009

FOUND: Running Buddy!

I found a running partner in the city!! My friend Emily, whom I know from "A Really BIG Pirate Show", got back in touch with me recently - and she and I have been running together this week. Our first day together we ran the Central Park Resevoir - oh my gosh - SO beautiful! (I can't believe I've been here two years and had never run that before.) Today, due to weather, we hit the gym - and tomorrow, it's back to the park! It is SO nice to have a buddy :) She's even signed up for the 5 mile race on Saturday with me.

In other news though, my left foot is giving me some real trouble right now. See, Monday was the first time I'd run in a week - and it was fine! Didn't notice any joint/muscle problems... But when I went to the gym last night, my foot started really bothering me - right inside my left arch. Well, I thought I'd just work through it - but after 5 minutes, it was strong enough to make me believe I needed to walk. I still managed to get a good incline walk in - but really?? I haven't done anything to it - other than run! Now I'm worried... because when I tried to run again this morning - pain. I'm hoping it's just a stretched muscle. I don't have health insurance to get it looked at - and I'm supposed to be running a race on Saturday. ::GULP:: Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

As for diet - the other side of the wellness plan I've got going - I'm back on Weight Watchers. Not officially - but I'm doing it myself. I'll be honest - I suck at it right now. But I'm being true to myself and writing everything down - even if it's embarrassing how much I eat. That helped keep me in line last night when I wanted that extra ice cream sandwich! HA! :) So, bit by bit, I'm getting back on track. The last week of December with New Year's included was like an enjoyable diet train wreck!!

I suppose that's all the update for now. Still trying to decide specifically what my resolutions/goals should be for the year. Stay tuned!

Your socializing, but gimpy marathon runner,

1 comment:

Stacy Smith said...

Hey beautiful - I'm thinking of doing WW as is it? how do you do it yourself like you said you are? Continue being an inspiration to all of us, you beautiful lady! Miss you tons...