Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'M BACK! ...and I'm IN!

Well, after a much delayed break in this blog... I'm back online and back on track.

I will not post details of the burglary I dealt with... just know that if you rent an apartment, and don't have renter's insurance - YOU SHOULD. It would have saved me a lot of hassle and a lot of money! ::sigh:: Life marches on...

But, enough of that. On to bigger and better things!

For starters, how's this: I'VE QUALIFIED FOR THE MARATHON!!! I got the 9 races in, as you all know, but was able to get a volunteer opportunity in as well! Turns out, NYRR realized that they were about to screw a BUNCH of people over, so they opened a whole slew of new opportunities. Hooray!!!!

Now, all I've got to do is renew my membership next year, confirm that I DO want to run the marathon, and I"m set.

Of course, there is the small tiny detail of training my body to run 26.2 miles... but we'll get to that.

In other news, I had a wonderful holiday with my family here in VA and will soon be performing for a New Year's Eve Gala back in PA - and back with the boyfriend! So life is good. :) I'm trying to get in daily runs as I head towards the new year, as I think it will help me gain momentum before I hit that "new year's resolution - guilt time!"

I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday - and I look forward to hearing from you all again.

I'M BACK!!!!! :-D

Your determined marathon runner,

1 comment:

Michael A. Hardy said...

Congrats Kelly! Glad to know you're back and hitting it hard. Even more glad to know you got in! Here's to a great year for you. Cheers!