Monday, January 12, 2009

Foot pain SOLVED!

For those of you who have been following, you read that I've been dealing with some pain in my left foot in the arch. At first I thought it was just a fluke, but it continued all week - even after a day off from running. I made a point to mention it to the parents of the family I babysit for on the Upper East Side. (The father owns a high end gym/health facility). He was more than happy to see me at the gym for an appointment this morning to try and figure out the problem. I was sooo relieved!!

So, bright and early - and freezing cold! - I ventured to the Upper West Side for this "foot evaluation." After a brief warmup, Mr. M (used to protect his identity) met me and had me do some exercises so he could observe the motion of my foot. When the symptoms weren't typical of "plantar faciitis" (which is what we were thinking) - he asked me to start jogging so he could watch my stride.

Next - a miracle happened.

It's my stride! I was running completely wrong. Well, not completely - but I was doing things that over time and long distance runs would be very detrimental to my body... hence the foot problem. So he worked with me for a bit, helped me find the correct runner's posture, and had me practice it until I found it myself. Then he showed me several new exercises to help strengthen my hips, spine, back, and core. I've got the whole workout down on paper and I can't WAIT to try it out!

Best part - I was able to run on the treadmill for a 2-mile run before I left - and it felt GREAT! No foot problems, and 2 miles went by like it was nothing. In fact, I normally run at 5.8 mph - and today? 6.2 mph!! Honestly, it felt even easier than the 5.8 - all because Mr. M showed me how not to stress myself while running. I can't WAIT to see what my body is going to be able to do now!

Until next time....

Your newly-energized, faster-paced marathon runner,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

FOUND: Running Buddy!

I found a running partner in the city!! My friend Emily, whom I know from "A Really BIG Pirate Show", got back in touch with me recently - and she and I have been running together this week. Our first day together we ran the Central Park Resevoir - oh my gosh - SO beautiful! (I can't believe I've been here two years and had never run that before.) Today, due to weather, we hit the gym - and tomorrow, it's back to the park! It is SO nice to have a buddy :) She's even signed up for the 5 mile race on Saturday with me.

In other news though, my left foot is giving me some real trouble right now. See, Monday was the first time I'd run in a week - and it was fine! Didn't notice any joint/muscle problems... But when I went to the gym last night, my foot started really bothering me - right inside my left arch. Well, I thought I'd just work through it - but after 5 minutes, it was strong enough to make me believe I needed to walk. I still managed to get a good incline walk in - but really?? I haven't done anything to it - other than run! Now I'm worried... because when I tried to run again this morning - pain. I'm hoping it's just a stretched muscle. I don't have health insurance to get it looked at - and I'm supposed to be running a race on Saturday. ::GULP:: Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

As for diet - the other side of the wellness plan I've got going - I'm back on Weight Watchers. Not officially - but I'm doing it myself. I'll be honest - I suck at it right now. But I'm being true to myself and writing everything down - even if it's embarrassing how much I eat. That helped keep me in line last night when I wanted that extra ice cream sandwich! HA! :) So, bit by bit, I'm getting back on track. The last week of December with New Year's included was like an enjoyable diet train wreck!!

I suppose that's all the update for now. Still trying to decide specifically what my resolutions/goals should be for the year. Stay tuned!

Your socializing, but gimpy marathon runner,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Upcoming races!

As I'm still unsure of how to proceed with this marathon training idea... there is one thing I know I must do: KEEP RUNNING!

So, I've already signed up for four races in the next three months, with two additional races possible, if I can earn a little extra money. Here they are:

January 10th: Joe Kleinerman 5-mile race
Feb. 1st: Gridiron Classic 4-mile race
*Feb. 22: Snowflake 4-miler (possible)
*March 1st: Coogan's Salsa, Blues, and Shamrocks 5K (possible)
March 14th: NYRR 8000 race (4.9 miles)
March 22nd: NYC Colon Cancer Challenge 15K (9.3 miles)

And I haven't signed up for it yet... but my big GOAL race for now, is my first Half-marathon on April 26th!! ACK! I think it should be very exciting, as it's a women-only half-marathon, so I'll feel very inspired by all those around me.

Still can't believe I'm going to be running this marathon. Eeek! :)

Look for new year's goals and resolutions to be posted soon...

Your 2009 marathon runner,